Thursday, March 15, 2012

Experiment with a flower.

One day my mother in law brought  a flower and showed us a little experiment to watch : she added food coloring to the water and in about 6-12 hours the flower started changing its color!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jack and the Beanstalk.

Do you remember the story "Jack and the Beanstalk"?

   Jack takes the beans but when he arrives home without money, his mother becomes furious and puts the beans outside the window and sends Jack to bed without supper.
As Jack sleeps, the beans grow into a gigantic beanstalk. Jack climbs the bean stalk and arrives in a land high up in the sky where he follows a road to a house, which is the home of a giant...

Imagination is endless.
Kids get inspired by what they see.
This is how my little boy started a little garden first in a sand box, and later we had a real garden! Small plants like sweet yellow onion and dill can sprout within 1-2 weeks!

To watch a plant growing could be a very exciting experiment. I've noticed that even a very active child like mine doesn't mind the long process. Maybe that is how it teaches him patients, care and responsibility...

About a month ago my mom-in-law bought a plant and set it on the table. And all this time our family has been watching it grow, every breakfast, lunch and dinner. The plant grew taller and taller and until the buds open into flowers.

Make your own Planter.

Make your own Planter.

Making this planter is so easy! It was made out a little juicebox and decorated with foam and acrylic jewels.

Also I like using pictures from coloring books to create a disign for craft decorations.