Showing posts with label creative activities with children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative activities with children. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2012

Monster Feeder

One more recycled bird feeder ))

Things we've used:
- juice box (or milk carton)
- scissors
- glue
- foam
- wiggly eyes and leaves

Here is one more idea for a Bird Feeder


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ahoy, Mateys!

Today I'm sharing an absolutely awesome game that both my son and I enjoy - playing pirates and looking for treasure!

I found great free printable at . All you need is just print the desired pages and follow the instructions on how to make crafts. I chose a treasure chest, a pirate hat and a sword. There are also a pirate princess hat and a ranbow wand for a girl.

Don't forget to draw a map and hide the treasure! Have fun!

A little chocolate surprise always makes the game special:

Monday, June 18, 2012

Car tracks.

 My son's great idea on how to expand the car track using LEGO's, tape and paper rolls . It's all started very simple and ended up taking a lot of space. He also likes using marbles instead of cars and it works great! Keeps him busy for a long time too))

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chicken House.

Building projects are not just for adults. Children love to work with their hands and create things they can be proud of. With adult supervision, even small children can use some hand tools.

Here are some pictures of one of our family projects -  a chicken coop. Building together was not just a lot of fun but it also gave us a great feeling of accomplishment.


To see more pictures click here.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Little friends.

"Look what I found, Mommy!!!"
It's nice and warm outside and my little boy discovers new "little friends" every other day! I am touched by seing how careful he is with the little creatures, because he usually likes playing with guns, draws monsters and dinos.
Here are some of them:

"Hi baby snail! Are you home? Come out!"


Cardboard Playhouse.

Just finished one more house for my little boy to play with! Cardboard boxes, stepler, tape and a little bit of imagination... decorate and make it special.  A great idea that provide hours and hours of active fun and play!

I wanted to make a big house this time, so I planned how to store it ))

Also we made this Little House

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Experiment with a flower.

One day my mother in law brought  a flower and showed us a little experiment to watch : she added food coloring to the water and in about 6-12 hours the flower started changing its color!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jack and the Beanstalk.

Do you remember the story "Jack and the Beanstalk"?

   Jack takes the beans but when he arrives home without money, his mother becomes furious and puts the beans outside the window and sends Jack to bed without supper.
As Jack sleeps, the beans grow into a gigantic beanstalk. Jack climbs the bean stalk and arrives in a land high up in the sky where he follows a road to a house, which is the home of a giant...

Imagination is endless.
Kids get inspired by what they see.
This is how my little boy started a little garden first in a sand box, and later we had a real garden! Small plants like sweet yellow onion and dill can sprout within 1-2 weeks!

To watch a plant growing could be a very exciting experiment. I've noticed that even a very active child like mine doesn't mind the long process. Maybe that is how it teaches him patients, care and responsibility...

About a month ago my mom-in-law bought a plant and set it on the table. And all this time our family has been watching it grow, every breakfast, lunch and dinner. The plant grew taller and taller and until the buds open into flowers.

Make your own Planter.

Make your own Planter.

Making this planter is so easy! It was made out a little juicebox and decorated with foam and acrylic jewels.

Also I like using pictures from coloring books to create a disign for craft decorations.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A card with LOVE.

"The best and and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart".

Children are very curious about interesting things. One day I saw my son playing with a pop-up card in the store. I've decided to show him this little secret ))

Things I've used:

- a sheet of white paper
- a sheet of red paper
- pencil
- scissors
- glue
- decorations

1. Fold the red paper in half and draw a half of heart .
2. Cut out the heart leaving about half inch like on the picture:

3. Push the heart on the other side:

4. Glue to the white sheet of paper:

5. Decorate the card! Let your child to pick decorations: draw a picture, use stickers, glitter...

6. Love-card is ready!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A gift with Love: Pillow Heart.

Applique is one of favorite things to do with my little boy.This time I'm going to share couple ideas that can be used as a gift or just a great way to spend with your little one.

Pillow heart.

This is a no saw pillow. You will need:
- felt
- fabric glue
- scissors
- needles
- stuffing/ cotton
- a sheet of paper
- pencil

1. Fold the sheet of paper in half and draw a half of heart . Also draw desireble decorations, like flowers. Cut out the templates.

2. Using needles, attach templates to the fabric.

I attached 2 red sheets of fabric together. I fold the flowers too to save time.

3. Cut out.
Felt is very easy to cut, I did not stencil but you can. Any little mistakes can be fixed with scissors.

4. Ask your child to help with glue! Apply the glue around the heart but leave the space to fill in with stuffing later.

5. Glue decorations.

6. Waite untill everything gets dry.

7. This was the most interesting part for my son - put the stuffing in!!!!

8. Glue the bottom and let it dry.

9.  The pillow heart is ready!